Nice to meet you
Asking for help can be difficult, especially when it’s about legal problems close to you. We understand it’s easier to reach out when you know who you’re talking to. This page will tell you more about us.

Rechtswinkel Heerlen: who are we?
Rechtswinkel Heerlen (Heerlen Legal Advice Desk) was set up by the Faculty of Law of the Open Universiteit. It aims to increase and broaden legal advice services in Heerlen, so that even more people can access free support. Rechtswinkel Heerlen is also the ideal place for third-year law students at the Open Universiteit to practise their skills and help the community.
After months of preparations, the wait is finally over: our doors opened on 2 September 2024!
You’ll receive help from a team of third-year law students and three professional practitioners. Our professional practitioners will attend all interviews. They will guide these interviews or provide extra information if needed. They will also check all letters, e-mails and other documents before they’re sent. That way, you get the best possible support.

Natasja Montulet
Coördinator of Rechtswinkel Heerlen

Theo Klein
Team leader for Income & Government Agencies
Our student officers
Before joining Rechtswinkel Heerlen, our student officers attend a six-month training course that’s specially developed for our work. Besides learning about other legal aid organisations in Heerlen, the students practise conducting interviews and writing letters. They also learn all about the legal topics we can help you with.
Our students often combine paid work with their studies, giving them lots of hands-on legal experience. Here’s a photo of our student officers:

from right to left: Sara Driessen, Ayla Kepser, Beau Hendriks and Anne-Marie Boogers.
A strong team
We work together with a range of organisations including the Juridisch Loket (national legal help desk), the Huis van het Recht (legal aid for Heerlen residents with multiple legal issues), the Digital Government Information Point (IDO), Veilig Thuis (domestic violence and child abuse charity), Incluzio (community outreach teams), advocates and pro bono lawyers, and many more foundations and associations in and outside Heerlen. We all help each other and refer cases to one other if needed.
We also work closely with Vrouwenrechtswinkel Maastricht, a legal aid agency for women, run by female law students. Law students from Maastricht regularly work with us in Heerlen after following our special training. They would be happy to help you.
Rechtswinkel Heerlen is affiliated with the Dutch Association for Legal Aid Clinics (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Rechtswinkels).
We’re extremely grateful for all the support we receive from funding, sponsoring and donations. Gifts or applications to become a regular funding provider or sponsor are always welcome. Visit our sponsors page for more information about ways to support us and our fantastic sponsors. Their help is vital to our work.