How can we help you?
We try our best to find an answer to every legal problem or question. However, we can’t help everyone. This page tells you more about how we work and which problems we can help you with.
What we do
Rechtswinkel Heerlen was set up to help people who struggle to access justice. Our service is completely free. We help you to understand difficult language in official letters, write a letter yourself or fill in forms. In some cases, we may contact a person or organisation for you. This can help to resolve your problem or stop it from getting worse. We can also support you if your case has to go to court.
What can you expect?
You can ask for help from one of our support officers. If you have a question about a letter or document, please bring it with you. We’ll first assess your problem. If we can help you immediately, we will. If we need more time, we’ll organise an appointment to see you again. This could be because we need to do some research. If we can’t help you, we’ll refer you to another organisation.
If you need help applying for a DigiD or filling in a form that isn’t your income tax return, please make an appointment. These things take more time.
This page tells you what sort of things we can help you with.
Rights as a customer (consumer law)
If you buy a product or service, you’re a ‘consumer’. Consumers are protected by law. You can contact us if you aren’t being treated fairly or if a seller doesn’t do what they said they would do. You can ask us questions about:
✔️cancelling a purchase you’ve made on the internet
✔️returning a product
✔️warranty (when a seller promises to repair or replace a product)
✔️manufacturing errors, poor materials or purchases that haven’t arrived
✔️wrong information
✔️misleading adverts
✔️problems with subscriptions or cancelling a subscription
✔️an invoice you don’t agree with.
You can also ask us for advice about insurance, services and how they’ve delivered, and accepting work as a contractor.
We can call, e-mail or write to the seller – either together with you or on your behalf. If there’s still a problem, we can submit your case to a tribunal (a group of people who decide on your dispute) or start legal proceedings (start your claim with the court).
We won’t be able to take on all consumer cases. That might happen if your problem is very complex or if your case involves lots of money. If we can’t help, we’ll refer you to another support organisation that can help you.
Important: we don’t take on cases about private sales or purchases. We also only help consumers, not businesses. However, if you’re self-employed, we may be able to help you in some cases. Just ask us your question, and we’ll see what we can do.
Renting & Housing
Renting a home involves two sides: the tenant and the landlord. Both must follow the law and other rules. However, this can lead to disagreements. You might think your landlord is breaking their side of the agreement. You might be unable to pay rent. Something might break in your rented home. We can help you with:
✔️tenancy agreements
✔️rent and how much you’re paying
✔️deposits (the sum of money you pay before you move in) and servicekosten (the charges you pay on top of your rent)
✔️maintenance and repairs
✔️housing conditions
✔️help if you’re being evicted
✔️cancelling your tenancy agreement.
We can give you advice. We can also contact or negotiate with the landlord – either together with you or on your behalf. If there’s still a problem, we can take legal action.
We won’t be able to take on all consumer cases. That might happen if there’s a lot at stake or your case involves lots of money. If we can’t help, we’ll refer you to another support organisation that can help you.
Please note: we only help tenants who rent a home. We don’t help tenants or landlords who rent business premises.
Income & Government Agencies
The Dutch government offers a lot of support for people who have a low income or no income at all. We can help you if you think something is wrong with your benefit payments or if you think you aren’t being paid enough benefits. We can answer questions about:
✔️bijstandsuitkeringen (social security payments)
✔️ benefits for vulnerable people and your PGB (personal care budget)
✔️zorgtoeslag (care allowance), huurtoeslag (housing benefit), kinderopvangtoeslag (childcare benefit) or kindgebonden budget (child benefit)
✔️WW-uitkeringen (unemployment benefits)
✔️AIO-aanvulling (state pension top-up)
✔️when you’re exempt from paying municipal taxes and waterschapsbelastingen (taxes you pay to the water board).
We can give you advice. We can also send an application or objection – either together with you or on your behalf.
We won’t be able to take on all consumer cases. That might happen if your case involves lots of money. If we can’t help, we’ll refer you to another support organisation that can help you.
Victim in criminal cases
If you’re a victim in a criminal case, we’re here to help and support you. We can help you to submit a claim if your property is damaged or stolen. We can help you:
✔️to work out your material damages – that’s the value of your damaged or stolen property
✔️to work out your non-financial damages (if you suffer from pain, emotional distress or anxiety because of a crime)
✔️to fill in forms to claim compensation
✔️during criminal proceedings against the person who committed the crime – we’ll explain how the proceedings work and advise you on your options
✔️during the criminal trial.
We also offer listening ear and emotional support services.
We won’t be able to take on all cases. That might happen if your case involves lots of money or is very complex. If we can’t help, we’ll refer you to another support organisation that can help you.
Other ways we can help you
We can also help you if:
✔️you’ve received a minor parking fine that you think is unfair
✔️you’ve received a minor administrative fine that you think is unfair. This could be because you put your bin out on the wrong day
✔️specific urgent cases.
Not sure whether you can access free help? Just ask us.